
a Malaysian sub-urban community, a place, a village, (a metro? a kampong?) blog created for records, remembering events, and for posterity. (Photo: Shows the first blocks of condos built in Wangsa Maju in early 1980)

Monday, August 28, 2006


People are still stealing the donation money at our surau in Section 5. How do they do it? Simple:

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Just think of ...........

That car parked there, looking from the top it looks harmless enough. But looking from the bottom of the hill and when trying to turn into Jalan 2/27D, one has to really make a sharp turn if one wants to avoid hitting that car. Probably the person parking that car over there did not see the problem.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What has happened?

4 months ago, it happened. Now again. Wheels missing. Same area.

And another old man abandonned? Hope not!

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