That was Monday 25th Sept. 06, after the Zohor prayers, what was the excitement about here? Its making a final decision by the Wangsa Maju Section 5 Surau (non-Friday prayers masjid) Committee Members (where is the Chairman?)on how and where to erect the tents for a ceremony on the coming Tuesday 26 Sept. 06, evening session of giving away the fasting month donations to all the suraus and masjid in the Setiawangsa area by the Minister of Federal Territory (Kuala Lumpur and Labuan Island)and also the Member of Parliament for Setiawangsa ......the VIP, (Section 5 Wangsa Maju happened to be in his constituency), followed by the breaking of fast and the all the night prayers afterward with the VIP's presence in all. The Contractor (seen there) is awaiting for the final decision. There is expected to be a big crowd, the Wangsa Maju Section 5 surau given the honour of being the host for all these ceremonies this year. About 57 (? did I hear that right) suraus and masjids Committee members are expected to be at the presentation, the breaking of fast and most probabaly at the night prayers. A big responsibility to the Wangsa Maju Section 5 surau Committee Members.

One of the Committee members happily posing for this photograph.......probabally to show that he has a new hair style.........and a big responsibilty ahead! (yes a head).

The notice board at the Section 5 surau says it all (in Malay).

So these were the tents that they were all excited about. These were done by the Tuesday noon. And ready to be used for the evening.
But events have developed very fast. By the Asar prayers on Tuesday, it was announced on the surau notice board that the surau building extension have been approved.

Its extension is right by the open ground next to the male staircase.

That open ground to accomodate the surau extension, if read from the plan.
No wonder the surau Committee members were all very excited and one of them smiling away when caught in the photograph.
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