
a Malaysian sub-urban community, a place, a village, (a metro? a kampong?) blog created for records, remembering events, and for posterity. (Photo: Shows the first blocks of condos built in Wangsa Maju in early 1980)

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Eid 31 Dec 06

These images were take during the qurban, after the Eid prayers that morning. But the animals are not shown here.

These images were taken before and after the Eid Prayers on 31 Dec 06.

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Serious discussion.

Serious discussion after the Subuh Prayers over the days activities of Eid-ul-Adhaa.

The animals arrived late last night.

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

By Eid evening Maghrib ..........

The tents and the ropes were ready.

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Eid Mubbarrak 1427 h, 31st Dec 2006.

They are working very hard to prepare tents and tables, to ensure that these are finished before tonight, before the arrival of the sacrificial animals for the Mubbarrak celebration tomorrow 31st Dec. 06, 10th Zulhijah 1427 H.

Photoes were taken immediately after the Asar prayers (about 5.00 pm) on 30th Dec 06, at the An-Naim surau, Section 5, Wangsa Maju, KL.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

A thank you

He is unassuming, go about doing his business in a quiet manner. He has done a lot for the Muslim community of Wangsa Maju.

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Eid Mubarrak 1427

They are ready for the animal sacrifice on 31 Dec. 2006. Undergrowth had been cleared near the surau and a hole have been dug where the slaughter/sacrifice shall take place. The people around the area worked very hard on Sunday 24 Dec 06, to prepare for the Eid on 31 Dec. 2006.

Eid Mubbarak.

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Our guests.

They are our guests in our community.

Sorry if any of the image is not very clear.

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Kenduri & kahwin (Ceremonies)

At Sdr Ariffin's house in Section 5, Saturday 2nd Dec morning, he was preparing to get one of his daughters engaged in the late morning.

And in Section 6, the same morning, Sdr Zubir was no less busy, preparing for the marriage ceremony for his first daughter. And these were his main guests, waiting to give moral support to Sdr Zubir.

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