
a Malaysian sub-urban community, a place, a village, (a metro? a kampong?) blog created for records, remembering events, and for posterity. (Photo: Shows the first blocks of condos built in Wangsa Maju in early 1980)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Trying hard

We are trying very hard to live like the first world with a third world mentality.

We have footpath (for walking) and a bicycle track. But is it being maintained? (Looking westward).

Looking eastward, the whole ‘path’ is blocked by parked cars. So if you are walking, you walk on the road (at least facing the traffic).

And further on, one can see a lot of rubbish, and the visual (luminous painted top) collapsible road barrier are almost gone, knocked down or vandalised, just a history, a memory. (As a consolation, at least the grass is being cut regularly).

(Note: Those interested to be Team Members/Blog Contributor, please write in 'Comments' of interest in any posting).


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


That seemed to be abandoned land on Jalan 1/27D is abandoned no more. They have fenced up the place, on the side of the road. On the drain side is still open.

On closer look, one can see the fence, the rubbish trailer and the name of the owner.
And at the distance, the blue canvas tent where the initial people working on the site will put up before they build a proper site office.

Soon proper buildings activities will commence.

(Note: Those interested to be Team Members/Blog Contributor, please write in 'Comments' of interest in any posting).


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shrub with 2 coloured flowers.

Am I seeing double?

I was astonished the other day to see a shrub with two kind of /coloured flowers.

One red, and another yellow,

From the same shrub.

Don’t ask me what the shrub is, but its in our housing estate at Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur.

(Note: Those interested to be Team Members/Blog Contributor, please write in 'Comments' of interest in any posting).


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