
a Malaysian sub-urban community, a place, a village, (a metro? a kampong?) blog created for records, remembering events, and for posterity. (Photo: Shows the first blocks of condos built in Wangsa Maju in early 1980)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hari Raya Aidifitri 2008
For remembrance of this Hari Raya, (1st Syawal 1429 or 1st Oct. 2008)I have included here a video of an azan, a Subuh prayer azan, by Ustaz Haji Indra Gunawan, an Idonesian Al-Hafiz ( person who can remember and recite the whole of the Koraan) at our local prayer house (surau), in Wangsa Maju Kuala Lumpur, on the morning of Sunday 28th September 2008, just 2 days before the Hari Raya.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008


It has been a long time since this blog had been visited. Its now the Muslim fasting month, and time has moved so fast that we are now coming to almost the end of year 2008. And of course some changes had taken place. But there too many to mention, some significant and mostly not.
A new extension of the house at Jalan 2/24D Section 6 is almost finish. Its a beautiful house.
And maybe some one noticed that beautiful house, so I presume DBKL has placed a mirror outlet of that Jalan 2/27D, to ensure good traffic safety when a vehicle moves out of that Jalan 2/24D to go into the bigger road Jalan 1/27D.
And working on the main road further down are some contractors, and I do not really know what they are laying over there, looks like some sort of RC pipes. Sewerage? But the contractor has made a mess out of the tarmac walking/cycling path that Section 6, Wangsa Maju used to have. I have a strong doubt if ever that tarmac walking/cycling path will ever be replaced. Anyway that walking/cycling path has never been maintained, and they are mostly grass covered.

(Note: Those interested to be Team Members/Blog Contributor, please write in 'Comments' of interest in any posting).


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