
a Malaysian sub-urban community, a place, a village, (a metro? a kampong?) blog created for records, remembering events, and for posterity. (Photo: Shows the first blocks of condos built in Wangsa Maju in early 1980)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tahniah Hj Mohd Tamin ...

Congratulation Tuan Hj for the engagement of one of your daughters on Saturday. You are not loosing a daughter, you are gaining a son ....

(Note: Those interested to be Team Members/Blog Contributor, please write in 'Comments' of interest in any posting).


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Don't really notice

We see but don't notice ..... cost of houses has grown so large .... our Rela 'hut' ..... and wild dog near the abandonned (an eye sore) supposedly Youth Centre (in Wangsa Maju) ...... do we care? Do we notice?

(Note: Those interested to be Team Members/Blog Contributor, please write in 'Comments' of interest in any posting).


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